Welcome to my first “Walk-Talk” Wednesday – this is the day when I will share something about my walk with God that I feel led to talk about in hopes that it will help you in some little way (a big way would be good too – but baby steps are still steps forward.)Today I want to share about the Bible devotional that I am doing on the Bible app. {{PS: If you have not used the Bible app yet, you can check it out here: https://www.bible.com – as for me I cannot get by without it. It helps me stay rooted with God’s word even on the busiest of days.}}
The devotional I am reading is called “Face to Faith” by Pastor Bob Botsford. He has a wonderful but unique way to word his devotionals where you feel like you are standing across from him, drinking a cup of tea or coffee, and just having a conversation about God. He also offers some good advice on marriage in this series as well. I feel like having this Bible plan to read each day is helping me become stronger in my walk and I encourage you to take a peek at it as well, especially if you are struggling to have that alone time with God each day. Pastor Bob can really help you out with this struggle. But, even if you are not struggling, I think you may enjoy reading what Pastor Bob has to say. You can go to https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/526-face-to-faith right now and check out a sample but even if you want to do the whole devotional plan, the app is free, the devotional plan is free, and so are the different Bible translations. All you have to do is register for an account on the site and you are set to go. They have apps available for smartphones or tablets, or you could read on your computer. I KNOW this app and the devotionals they offer will be a blessing to you.
Oh and PS: if you have younger children (even my 11 year old LOVES this), there is an animated Bible app for kids: https://www.bible.com/kids that is totally awesome too!
I don’t get any affiliate credit or monetary gain for recommending the Bible app, the app for kids, or the devotional plans. I just want to share because they have all been a huge blessing to me and I pray you are blessed today as well as you travel down your path with God.
Many blessings!
Image Source: CdinBrong at sxc.hu
Thanks so much for sharing Alicia and continuing to be a light of inspiration not only in my life but in all around you!
You are very kind – thank you! (((hug)))