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Not My Will But Thine Comments Off on Not My Will But Thine

Not My Will But Thine

Posted by on Jul 31, 2019 in Daily Bible Verse Images

My verse of the day is:

The Lord’s Purpose Prevails.
(From the BibleVerse App)

Many are the plans of a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Proverbs 19:21

Over the past year, we’ve been dealing with the disintegration of what my heart would call “our happy family.” Many of us were strewn apart over lies that can’t be taken back. A career ruined while the agent overseeing things got a major raise and promotion. Just as I was at my lowest, losing my youngest when the court ordered her to live with her father, God had a surprise waiting just around the corner that completely caught me off guard. And then another. And another. And another.

Although life currently is NOTHING the way I’d planned it in my heart, it is exactly the way God wanted so I could learn the lessons that I needed. I’ve learned that:

  • I am not responsible for the action of my adult children.
  • When I refuse to let stress run me over and cause me to behave better, I am filled with peace and joy.
  • When I seek joy and peace and dismiss thoughts of worry in Jesus’ name, the devil loses his power over me and his manipulations get nowhere.
  • Forgiveness is the key to restoring my anger and hatred and replace them with love, kindness, and understanding.
  • Family grows closer when we struggle together.

Father, thank you for all the blessings you give me each and every day.

Thank you for teaching me that the many plans of my heart aren’t what matter; it is Your purpose that prevails. Thank you, Father for keeping me focused on you and for using this time of struggle to teach me to trust you.

I love you Lord. In the blessed name of your Son, Jesus, AMEN.

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When TAG Time is Ignored Comments Off on When TAG Time is Ignored

When TAG Time is Ignored

Posted by on Jul 22, 2015 in Daily Reading Notes

It never ceases to amaze me how “the word” and message for the day follows where I am in life.  I missed my devotional TAG yesterday because I was caught up in “life” “work” and well complete “overwhelm”.  I chose not to read – I told myself I did not have the time to do it.  Today I read what I was suppose to yesterday and low and behold it was right on target for yesterday.  If I had have read that I would have cleared out a lot of my anxiety but NO I had to do it MY WAY and not be Faithful! Most of the day I felt “down” “alone” “lost” and ready to “quit” the running around, getting it all done, taking care of everyone else… and just needed out of the “overwhelm”.  Had I read and been Faithful to my TAG in the morning – well those feelings might have still been there but I would have been armed with the tools to get rid of them all and be the best I can be!

I need to have better commitment to my relationship with Jesus, my  TAG.  I need to protect it and not put it second or lower in my life.  Do you ever feel the same way?  I mean if Jesus is so Faithful to us, and look at what he has on his shoulders, why should we not meet him with the same level of Faithfulness? Yes life is crazy, yes work and careers are crazy, and for sure yes family is crazy – but the one secure, stable you can always count on place is in your relationship with God – so I want to commit to being more Faithful – Jesus will meet me anywhere for our TAG time – he will meet me anytime of the day so there is nothing holding me back from honoring that relationship with as much dedication!


Dear Jesus – time and time again you show me examples of how you are here for me and time and time again I falter to to praying-hands-no-bg-smallturn to you while I am lost in the moment.  Thank YOU for being so Faithful in our relationship and never letting go of me!  We are all blessed to have you as our loving Father and I pray I can begin to realize you are right there and turn to you and be as Faithful.  Lord I am so Thankful for all you have brought into my life and for the “fixes” for the things that get messy along the way – I am thankful for the strength you have given me and I pray to not forget I cannot do it all on my own!  Lord bless those around the world that are lifting their hands to you and please wrap your arms around those that are a bit lost and have not turned and “looked up” just yet as they need you too.  In your name I pray – AMEN!

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Christina Day 9: Press the Word of God – Keep Faith

Posted by on Dec 15, 2014 in Joyce Meyer 30/30

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8 NIV

Today Joyce is reminding and guiding us to PRESS THROUGH with spiritual strength and look up to God.  If keeping your faith focused on God and when in doubt, need, or feeling alone you look up to HIM and only him you will begin to build the strength of where your salvation, peace and strength will come from.

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Christina Day 8:  Think About What You Are Studying Comments Off on Christina Day 8: Think About What You Are Studying

Christina Day 8: Think About What You Are Studying

Posted by on Dec 11, 2014 in Joyce Meyer 30/30

So funny I do take notes like this too… grab anything around me and write it down!  I located this doing a Google search under time with God – and it speaks TONS to me.  What a simple way to put it and a check list to boot!

In Joyce’s words today she says simply Think about what you are studying – go over it several times!  She is right, we have been taught since a young age that we learn from repetition – so why should studying the word be any different? 

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Christina Day 7: Holy Habits

Posted by on Dec 10, 2014 in Joyce Meyer 30/30

Today the message is loud and clear and explains to me that I need that ALONE time with God.  Those conversations, the prayers and the extra time in HIS word.  Even if it is not a full sit down for an hour but to never go a day without some time with God.

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