In my reading today a point was clearly made…. We can study, we can go to churches, we can fellowship, we can graduate with top honors from a Godly University all the time “studying” and “learning” about God – but we are getting “book knowledge” not true about God Knowledge – the know of “about” God but nothing of the “Heart” of God – this we are reminded only God can reveal this to us.
HIM being in me is what Glorifies God – he shows and reveals to me what is worthwhile in the time setting HE chooses things to be relevant in my life. It is important to listen deep to God when he is speaking to you, it is important to be “real” and accepting of the messages he is sharing with you for in these times God shows you what is in his heart and what service he has called you to do. So often we are looking for these answers sitting in the phew at church, or in our small groups (though these are very important activities in bonding and being around like minded people) looking for these answers instead of looking UP and having our private open and real conversations with Jesus himself.
Dear Lord – I pray today that I have more time with you. I want to continue my pursuit of “our relationship” and what you have in store for me, how you want me to use my gifts and to continue to fill up on the warmth of your love while you reside INSIDE of me. I am no different that all your children I know, you love us all and you have plans for us all and many have deep relationships with you – I don’t want to make light of any of those, I just know Lord that it is time for me to focus on “our private conversations” and for me to learn more of what is in your heart for me… I look forward to and pray for that time each and every morning – in your name I pray AMEN!