Today I am blessed to be starting a new study with great friends of mine – Alicia Tucker and Tricia Gardner – Tricia was so kind to invite us to do this study and I am honored.
Days 1 really started hitting me in areas where I needed to stop and just think! I have been baptized, I have been saved and I am born again in Christ – but in Day 1 Joyce not only offered salvation to new people, people that have not yet opened their hearts and souls to Christ but to those that have already done so and might be feeling an empty spot, a void if you will. I am one of those latter people. My journey with Jesus is a winding one. I am not always on the path and often need to STOP LOOK AND LISTEN. I need to get out my “map” and say how the heck did I get here and find my way back. The only way I can explain the offer from Joyce was for me it meant a physical, outward and inward way for me to RECOMMIT my life to Jesus and ask for forgiveness for the sins I had been committing by not being a Child of God on a regular basis. Joyce reminded me the path is long, sometimes hard but ever so rewarding. I went to Church on Sunday just before I started this series with my friends and the feeling there was great – though it was a show up listen and leave. I today commit my life to Jesus and his word. I pray that as I stumble he will be by my side to help me up and I know he will I just need to look up and ask! Thank you Jesus for always being a part of my life!
Day 2 focused on learning to let go and die to things around you. Not literally but in the sense of not wasting time on things that do not feed you, or produce fruit in your life. Become dead to hateful things, to things that we allow to fester inside of us, to things that we really have no business worrying about or judging! I took that challenge today – bold and strong! I will be doing an inventory of those things in my life that are “suckers” of my spirit, things that turn me from looking up, from keeping Faith and from asking help. I WILL become dead to things that cause me to judge, that cause me to be selfish and to dedicate my life to stopping, listening and evaluating if that “thing” deserves any of my time, focus or breath! Can you take that challenge? Can you find a way to become dead to selfish ways and forgive yourself and others for what they do and move on? I am keeping my eyes on the Lord and looking to him for support, love and guidance!
Scripture Memory
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9
Dear Lord I Pray…
Dear Lord… Today I pray to Thank you for not only bringing Tricia in my life but for bringing this study in my life. This is a time for me, the chance to sit back and recommit myself to YOU LORD and to just fill the spirit in my heart. I know you have never left me and I have never left you but my vision has not always been set on you. Through the trying times lately I have allowed myself to become TOO BUSY to stop and feed on your word and I am thankful you stood by me and was patient and brought me just what I needed. I pray that I will listen hard for your commands and guidance over the next few weeks so I can rebuild that habit that stability in time and balance in my life where no part especially the part with you in it goes neglected! Jesus in your name I pray – AMEN!