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Christina Day two Joyce Meyer 30/30 Challenge PUT GOD FIRST


Put God First…

What a slap upside the back of my head – but in a totally good way.  You know like Gibbs does to Tony in NCIS – that wake up call we all need one time or another! This was that virtual pop in the back of my head to say WAKE UP – ARE YOU PUTTING GOD FIRST? and sadly enough I have to honestly answer NO….  I had done so well to start my day with filling my tanks with the Love of the Lord and the Spiritual Lessons that really truly did better me in a lot of ways – Emotionally, Stable Feeling, Physically, Running My Business and my Relationships…. what happened?? I let Life take over and I lost my focus and lost my direction on the path 🙁It is so easy to put the most important things last and the most distressing or self gratifying first overlooking what you are really losing!  I am so guilty of this.

I know I am not perfect and have “committed” my life, my days and my time to God and still lose my way.  It is not because I am not committed by any means and as Joyce says, don’t spend time kicking yourself for falling GET UP and get started again – confess to God and recommit!

This is what I am doing today – I am recommitting my Life, my Days, my Time to God and working to be the example in my family.

In my commitment..

  • I will pray every day Morning & Night…
  • I will start my day in this current study until it is completed
  • I will start a new study when this is done!
  • I will take much needed TAG weekly
  • I will read on one passage a week and take a bit of time to investigate it

Is there a chance I might not complete these commitments here, yes – do I plan on it NO – if I stumble can I get back up right where I am and get back to work! YES

Dear Lord I Pray…

Lord today was the eye opening statements showing me where you wanted me to start – I hear you loud and clear and have made that commitment even today with starting in your word NOT my inbox!  THANK YOU for being a forgiving god – THANK YOU for being a loving father – and THANK YOU for encouraging me & supporting me!  I am so blessed.  Today I also pray for my friends Tricia – for her to have a smile on her face and to feel you sitting in the chair next to her throughout her day – I pray for Alicia on her travels and her path to you Lord and for her to feel the true comfort from your arms wrapped around her holding her close – I pray for Erica and her family, for you to have a larger than life viewing in the family’s life so to support Erica in her growth and give her strength where she needs in during the struggles she is going through – Lord I pray for Bernadette, what a great example of pure love for you Lord and faithfulness in all of her struggles – I pray that her heart is always warm with you touching it and that your blessings continue to be bestowed on her & her family daily! IN YOUR NAME I PRAY AMEN