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Thankfulness Thursday: The right people at JUST the right time

Have you ever noticed how God always seems to put the right people in the right place at the right time? Has a stranger ever smiled at you when you were having a bad day and it lifted your spirits? Did a friend just happen to stop by or call you when you needed them the most? Have you ever been encouraged by someone you never even met? Those are not coincidences. That’s God intervening.

I was having a bad day the other day. My husband was traveling out of town, the kids were acting up, I wasn’t feeling well, even the dogs were being naughty. I was texting with my friend during the day and each time she replied, there were words of encouragement – these words helped me so that I would not give up or fall into a stress attack or let my temper get the best of me. Although I felt all alone with hubby away, I wasn’t because God made sure my friend was with me all day.

The next time you’re encouaged out of the blue, or in a way that you did not expect, don’t just chock to a coincidence. Give God the glory and thank him for watching out for you. 🙂

May you be blessed today and always,


Image credit: meetville.com