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Thankfulness Thursday: My Little Patio Peach Tree

Thankfulness Thursday: My Little Patio Peach Tree

Today I’m thankful for my little patio Peachtree. Tiny, when the peaches finally arrived you can’t really eat them, but when the blossoms on it they are just stunning. Look at this one… the first blossom of spring:


I seriously look forward more to this tree’s blossoms than I do the fruit! Even on a rainy day these blossoms are just beautiful…

2014-03-16 14.20.24

The beauty in this little tree reminds me that God made beautiful things, people included, and he wants us to enjoy this world that He made. But just as these beautiful blossoms only last a brief time, the same is true of our time on earth. It is fleeting – and can be enjoyed while we are here – but don’t get so caught up with the things of this world that you forget to prepare your heart for eteral life in heaven. Prepare your heart to be a thing of beauty – much like the peach blossom – that is something beautiful in the eyes of our Lord.

May you be blessed today and always!