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Posts Tagged "Thankful"

Thankfulness Thursday: Unexpected Blessings 2

Thankfulness Thursday: Unexpected Blessings

Posted by on Mar 13, 2014 in Real Life Application, Thankfulness Thursday

Happy Thankfulness Thursday!

Today I want to celebrate those unexpected blessings that pop up every once in a while and those “blessings” that don’t seem to be blessings at first.
I am a firm believer that God can make good come from ANY situation and that there is so much we can learn during those trials of life that can in turn become blessings as well.

When I began writing this post, I was sitting in the women’s health center waiting to see my doctor – after just having an ultrasound. I was going to write about how much of a blessing it is when we get windfalls – money that seems to arrive out of nowhere, or even the gift of a new-to-you car that you did not expect, or a new business venture that is becoming lucrative, and my list could have gone on. That is what I WAS going to write about… that was until I heard the doctor say, “instead of going to the exam room, why don’t we talk in my office?” I just knew what was coming next was going to be bad…

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