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Posts Tagged "Self control"

Fruits of the Spirit Friday: Silly Songs for Self Control???

Posted by on Mar 28, 2014 in Fruits of the Spirit Friday

I know you have probably heard the phrase before “music soothes the savage beast.” There really aren’t any savage beasts living in my house but I do struggle daily with the “beast” of temptation of letting stress get the best of me and losing my temper. So rather than have everyday stressing me out, I start singing. The sillier the better.

Sometimes they are Veggie Tales silly songs, sometimes they are songs I’ve made up, sometimes they are real songs I just change the words to. I’ve got songs for dishes, songs for naughty dogs, songs for laundry. Okay so now that I’m writing it out it does sound a little crazy. But having a silly song is what prevents me from being crazy. They are what helps keep me sane during the stressful day and they keep me happy when I would otherwise be stressed out and grumpy. These songs allow me to have the self control I need. It is one of the fruits of the spirit in my life. And with self control of this nature, I’ve also experience joy, peace, patience and more. So each day I thank God for my silly songs.

May you be blessed today and always.

Image credit: ultimateveggie.com

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