Learn MoreDear Father,
Help me to always speak wisely, with instruction as my intent, especially when correcting the children. Help me to avoid idleness and always keep a watchful eye over my household and my family.
In Jesus’ Name,
“She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.”
~ Proverbs 31:22-23
Here is my prayer, based on this week’s memory verse:
Learn MoreCumulative Verse Review:
The underlined parts were the “fill in the blank” sections from the book. Anything in BOLD ITALIC CAPS I got wrong this time…
Learn MoreWell it is Sunday a day of rest, a day of review, a day of sharing. Today was a great day – I really feel like during this time change time I am the most productive…. I feel like I get so much done just in the shift of that hour – WOW!
Learn MoreHere is my prayer, based on Proverbs 31:12-13, this week’s memory verse:
Dear Lord I Pray…Learn MoreLord,
Help me to bring only good to You, my husband, and my family – not harm – as long as I shall live. Help me to be selective with the things I choose to bring into my mind and home, as well as with the activities in which I participate. Help me to work eagerly – at housework, laundry, cooking, exercise, and online work. In all things. may I do my best work, as if I were doing each of the tasks for YOU!
In Jesus’ Name,