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Posts Tagged "memory verse"

Memory Verse Monday: I Timothy 4:8

Posted by on Mar 24, 2014 in Memory Verse Monday, Real Life Application

Welcome to Memory Verse Monday! This week’s memory verse, I Timothy 4:8, was beautifully portrayed in image form at todayschristianwoman.com. If you have nto been over to their site, I encourage you to visit today. Great stuff going on.

So, this image is not mine, so you can’t share it all over the place like my usual memory verse images, but you can still print it out and use it to help you memorize this week. 🙂



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Memory Verse Monday: Psalms 142:10-11 Comments Off on Memory Verse Monday: Psalms 142:10-11

Memory Verse Monday: Psalms 142:10-11

Posted by on Mar 17, 2014 in Daily Bible Verse Images, Memory Verse Monday, Real Life Application

How did your Bible memory go last week? If it was anything like mine, you might not have gotten it 100% memorized BUT that’s okay. I did read it continually every day since I used it as my computer’s desktop background. Even if I did not hide God’s word in my heart last week, it did make an imprint since I was reading it every day, many times a day. I will do better on the next one. 🙂

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