Today I am working to get caught up – it is strange how one bump in your normal routine can throw the entire thing off for a long time. It is so much work to create a habit, work within discipline and it only takes one little trip to deconstruct what you had been building for some time! Excuses NO, Ownership in me not putting myself right back where I was in the line of focus and work the minute I stumbled! Here are my days I am behind and I look forward to God’s grace in keeping focused and moving forward!
Learn MoreCherish your children, Establish Family Traditions, Honor the Sabbath and Live in Peace – now that is a group of deep subjects for today’s posting! All of these center in getting your family life together. With my family spread out all over the United States, some of these topics are tough but we make a go at it!
Learn MoreHonoring the Sabbath is something that has gotten away from us. When we first got married, every Sunday was spent at church and Sunday school, even with an afternoon nap. Blissful! But somewhere along the way after I got sick, we had to stop going to church because my immune system was too weak… and honoring the Sabbath became lost to us. 🙁
Learn MoreFirst, it was neat to find out that the author is also a Jersey girl! I too, I know the feeling of having fireworks when nobody else did as a child, because we got them from another state. In New Jersey, the only thing we could buy for the fourth of July were sparklers and maybe those little snap pops that you throw on the ground. Even when we did not have fireworks, “we always” had sparklers and a cookout.
Learn MoreMy children are a gift from the Lord… even when they’re grouchy… even when I’m grouchy… when they’re being divas… even when they’re arguing with me. But… They have individual needs and long for mommy-time regularly.
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