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Christina’s Day 4…What is my secret?

Good Morning – day 4 and we are still kicking!

Today’s reading I wondered – what is my “secret” hmm hard to think of that one.  I am not sure what I do in secret that I hide from others besides letting work and life consume me enough that I do not take the proper time with our Father but people I think feel I do – NOT THAT I SAY I DO but there could be the impression that I do.

Also, I think my secret could be that I have become a solitary person, I lock myself in my house, work work work – run my errands – deal with my husband but I don’t interact with others anymore.  I am having a hard time getting out, I have no patience, I feel like I want alone time but I am alone all of the time, working of course,  I need to break out of this because I have become not so happy but others think I am super happy – hmmm maybe that is it!

I want to work on extending a had to friends and doing my own thing, visiting, fixing up my house, inviting people over and getting back to who I was!

One of the key points in this reading for me was the “accountability partner”  when I started this program on my own I had no one to turn to, I am so blessed to say that Alicia T is my accountability partner through it all – not only to break out of the areas mentioned above but to help me make a difference in how I interact with my earthly husband as well as how I spend time with him heavenly husband – I feel like there is some clarity on changes and strength coming my way to help me stay on track and make those changes….



Dear Lord I Pray…

Dear Father, my Heavenly Husband…

Today I take the opportunity to bring in alignment who I am on the outside and who I am on the inside.  You can see deep inside where others can see and like any parent or partner we hate to see our loved ones suffer, you have been watching me suffer for far too long!  Even when I have faced making changes in my life before I don’t feel like the motives and the plans were so STRONG as they are now – Thank you Jesus for putting Alicia in my life and her be my “sister in faith” we are dangerous together as you know, we can make major things happen – now that we are joining in our quest for you and building our lives to be the women YOU want us to be, look out!  Jesus thank you for being in my life, for being faithful to me and my journey even when I loose my way – I pray that I can always see the light you have to glow on my path and that I am drawn to it!  Here is to a great week and a great time of change!  AMEN…


  1. I know a little something about the solitary lifestyle, too. We both seem happy being more social than we currently are – social media only goes so far. ;o)

    I am honored and blessed to be your accountability partner in this bible study and beyond!

    I love when you write your prayers out as you did in this post – it makes me feel as if we are praying together in a little circle. :o)

  2. Yes I agree about the prayers – they mean so much when they are shared because the reader is saying them too – I am glad you like that! HUGS!