Tithing is considered a bad word in the wold today – even some believers have a hard time with the “word” along with non-believers using it to as an argument against Christianity… How do I feel about it? I know it is in the Bible, but I do not think that all Churches discuss it as it was meant in the Bible…
I learned in my Christian Finance class that you have to pay your debts before you tithe 10% – you can still give but you have to release the hold others have on you – not too many churches say that… and some churches guilt you into doing it – but the bible says be a “happy giver” so there are so many mixed messages you really have to take it to God! I feel a consistent giving and doing it for the right reasons is a perfect way to start.
What I like about what Donna Partrow says here is that your giving does not have to be to your church it can be to any Christian organization that you are compelled to assist and that you can spread your giving too.
Giving is not only money related – tithing can come in the form of your “doing” valunteering and participating in activities and ministries – not many churches share that either – but that giving is super helpful and what God rewards us for as well.
So all in all Tithing is not a bad word or anything to get scared about, or upset about – it is something to take action on.
I used to give $25 a week to my church, when I went – now it is has been SEVERAL months since I have attended, why… because my life has gotten away from me – and for one day I would love to NOT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING – but I think I am looking at it the wrong way.
I want to make the commitment to either attend services live again OR stream them online – one of the churches out here I attend has a live stream of it.. http://reallifechurch.org/ under “services” and then down at the Online Campus. AND my main church that I have been attending for the past 12 years http://www.heartofthecanyons.com/#/welcome has the audios of the sermons – this is also the church where I have the bible study group from. It is a small loving church.
I also want to commit to donating if not when I am there live but through their online donations too – I can help out and participate there are NO excuses just no taking action! I feel I can start with up to $25 per week and really focus on paying off the four things of debt that we currently have! (I am not counting our home in that list)
Dear Lord I Pray…
Dear Jesus – I pray today that you help me fight the temptations from Satan to NOT participate with you on Sunday mornings – please pull, tug and jump on me if you have to to help divert my eyes from Satan’s draw – I know I have to do my part and actually turn my head in your direction – but I know we will meet eyes and I will be given the strength! Thank you Jesus – In Your Name Amen!