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Christina’s Day 22…. Early Rise + Early Exercise = Great Day

Good Morning – Funny this comes up today… I was “planning” to go to the gym this morning to get back into the swing of things and did I, NO – what a slap… OK I get the message!  This study is great to me because it not only focuses on your scripture study but your body, your vessel, your inside and outside.Today I am taking this “nudge” from Jesus to get up off my behind and get back into working out!  Remembering the strength we have both mentally and physically is HUGE and knowing that there are payoffs in the end make it all that much more desirable to do stuff!  The payoffs come in so many rewards -a clear mind, a warm heart, a compassionate soul, a fit body, and all of that while getting closer to our Abba Father – WOW who could not take on this challenge?

A prayer walk sounds great – finding someone that can do that in the mornings here (as early as I need to) is not so easy… but I will try.  I will pray when I do the treadmill at the Gym and they pray again for strength when I get on weight machines LOL.

You  know I learned in a class at my church once that we are stewards of all of this – our families,  the houses we live in, the jobs we have and the money we make, and even our bodies – how can we do a study or get closer to God and ignore how we handle all of the other things in our lives that we are stewards for the gifts he has given us to manage…

Being closer to God is also remembering that and doing our best – we started with organizing our time and days, then moved into preparing, then moved into our families and now our bodies – what a great path.

I know for  me I need to go back to the beginning and make sure I am doing all that I am suppose to be doing – I know I have not put 100% into all that is here and I feel it.  Thank you Jesus for putting that on my heart.  I am struggling because I really want to do my Romans study but I cannot find the book again, hmmm is Jesus telling me to finish The Story first because I know right where that is… I think I will follow that lead and in my TAG time I will read The Story and share from there… while I keep looking for the Romans study book to do next.

Dear Lord I Pray…

Dear Jesus… Thank you for the wonderful morning this morning.  Thank you for the couple of “slaps in the back of the head – Gibbs style” one for not working out and one for not giving 100%.  I value my time with you, I really do, I just don’t let it carry on throughout the day and today I am going to take you with me everywhere I go!  You are my partner, my guiding light, my sounding board and my CEO so why should we not be talking all day long?  Lord I am going to open my mouth and mind to you even while doing everything else I am doing not just our quiet time – I look forward to what you have to say all day long!  Thank you!   Jesus, please be with Alicia today and help her with her headache, please lighten the pain so she can see there is an end in sight – strengthen her heart and don’t let Satan crack into it and put give up thoughts in her mind – you are her rock Jesus and you are her healer, through you she can overcome this battle.  Through YOU we can all overcome our battles – I pray to you for the strength!  Today I hold our president and the government leaders up to you Lord, please be with them as they make decisions today – though it is being said that our current president Obama is setting the path for the Anti-Christ to come in and take over, I know you are there ready for the battle and so are we – please lay in our hearts, our minds and give us strength to do what we need to do.  Please if that is true please help our president to see the path he is on and “nudge” him to do a 180 so that he is on YOUR path.  Jesus I know you do not change our wills but you talk to us for us to make decisions – please speak extra loud to him so that your voice is all that is ringing in his head…  I Pray this to you oh Lord – IN YOUR NAME AMEN!

1 Comment

  1. You were listening loud & clear when God was talking! I believe the Lord uses our “moments of weakness” and times of not completing what we know we should have as “teachable moments”. I have those with my children when I can… There are times to fuss & times to teach. We learn so much more when we are ready to listen when God has a teachable moment with us. ((hugs)) to you (and prayers too)!