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Christina’s Day 16 – Veggies and Water??

Wow what a challenge – veggies and water for 10 days….

Feeding our bodies good food over the junk that we tend to reach for is really important.  Veggies and water are part of God’s creations on earth for food but weren’t animals too – eating of meat?

Not that I have to have a ton of meat all of the time – I used to go vegetarian style meals more than not but didn’t God create animals for food too? Hmmm

10 days of nothing but veggies and water – I can work at this for sure, for me I would like to commit for two of the three meals out of the day for the first 5 days are veggies and water (seeds and a couple slices of cheese) at one meal there will be a meat but my portion will be half the normal size and the balance veggies – I will cut carbs from those meals! (that is huge for me)  After the first 5 days I will work on dropping the meat part – I am looking forward to the challenge.  This is something that my husband will never get on board with this challenge.

Dear Jesus… I pray you give me strength to follow this challenge.  I give it to you Lord, my hunger, my cravings, my choices I know you will guide me to the what YOU want me to do. I promise to do my part and listen for your words and when you speak to me. Lord I know you put things like this in front of me for growth and I look forward to it.  I am putting fear behind me in this challenge and giving it to God – scarcity and fear are the ways of Satan and I know that now and and I am keeping my eyes focused on YOU!  In Your Name AMEN

1 Comment

  1. I know my family would not want to opt for meat-free meals forever, well maybe my oldest daughter until someone brought out fast food! LOL. Your plan sounds like a very good one. Sudden diet changes can be scary – I like how you have planned it out over the next 10 days rather than jumping in. How brave Daniel was!