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Christina’s Day 11… Routine, Sleep, Relax….hmmmm

Good Morning!  Today I need to put together a “bedtime” and build a “bedtime routine” – wow, this is not so easy – doable but not so easy.

This routine needs to begin well before bedtime is being thought of.  Working from home I have blurred the boundaries of work, family, and personal time – that needs to get straightened out ASAP!

I commit to waking up at 4;30am. I commit to working out from 5am to 6am Monday through Friday (missing Wednesdays).  I commit to TAG time 7:30am – 8:30am.

I commit to working from 8:30am to 5pm pacific time Monday through Thursday, Friday I will work from 8am to Noon pacific time if needed, after noon I will be working on MY OWN BUSINESS, Weekends will be for me, family and an emergency project if needed – from there I will be prepping dinner through out the day or start it at 5pm.  We will eat no later than 7pm and clean up immediately following.  I need to clear up my work week and be back on schedule!

I commit to going to bed at 10pm.

My routine:

  • Dinner by 7pm – clean up by 8:30pm
  • Free time from 8:30 – 10pm
  • 10pm, go into bed and have 30 mins TAG
  • Lights out and Sleep by 10:30pm

Having a clear plan of action, a schedule or routine is a vital part of being organized.  Some fight structure and can never truly be focused.  I live for plans and structure so I love this part of the study – the commitment comes to sticking to it!


Dear Jesus – Today I put on paper a plan of action or routine if you will, please work with me to begin to stick to this structure.  As you share structure is a very important part of our living and by doing this and setting up mine I am able to see my

personal time with you.  Jesus, I know that we might have to make adjustments – please let me hear you speaking to me as we build this great plan in my life, whisper to me where we might have to adjust, make changes to this plan – help me to not be too rigid in this plan that I don’t enjoy it either.  It is a blessing to have you in my life and working along side of me to create such plans!  I know I may falter from this schedule, please help me to not be too hard on myself – it is not a failure to waver on the plan – it is a failure to give up on the plan and with you Jesus, giving up is not an option!

Please Jesus, continue to help those that are still suffering the results of Sandy on the East coast – and bless those that are looking up to you for support, guidance and love.  Reach out to those that are looking side to side and help to redirect their gaze so they are looking up at you.. I promise to always share the blessing you bestow and the support you give everyday! In Your Name… AMEN

1 Comment

  1. Praise God! I love how you put your time management goals on this post. Putting our goals where others can see them helps you to be more accountable to them. Way to go! This is a hard step to take. I am looking forward to encouraging you and helping you tweak your schedule where needed and stay on track. (((hugs)))