Studying the Bible
Today’s verse:
He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave – Psalm 107:20
Joyce shares several tips on studying the bible today. Again she helps reenforce we are not to just READ the bible but to take time to STUDY it. Reading is ok but the truth and strength comes from the Studying of the word. Dig deeper. It is ok to find a passage and pick it apart, look at other “books” that will guide you in more depth and use a comparative bible to see where the scripture is compared to other translations – also I have a concordance and read through the the passage or term or topic you are are digging into – LOVE IT. You tend to get lost in time when you dig in and I love it when a light comes on and I can say “hey this is what I was suppose to get from this” because God will be guiding me through what I am reading!
I tend to like the practical teachings – I love Romans and Joyce has suggested the Epistles – Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians – these to her are all practical books in the bible. I think I will start checking these out.
She mentioned they guide people if you don’t know where to start, start with John. But Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are great places to start as well.
I also have “The Story” book where it puts the books and passages in order of the time line of the happenings – I really think that was a great start for me because I needed to see the big picture! It is hard for me to read the books by people in that order and not know when what was going on with what other things were going on – I think I am going to pick that back up! I loved it!
The entire truth is if you just apply the practices in the bible You Will Have Blessings and you will feel different – no matter what someone’s faith is or beliefs are just try the moral lessons in life and see what happens! I mean if you just practice the principles of just being good to others, thinking of others and being a support not a judge of others and what they are doing – the world will be a great place! It is as simple as that!
Dear Lord I Pray…
Jesus, today in the lesson you are guiding me exactly where I needed to be. I struggle on how, when, and where I study the bible – how do I start? when should I do it in my day? and where I look in the bible? In Joyce’s words today these questions have all been answered – THANK YOU. I even turned to Tricia for some guidance today and she helped me in one of my questions. Nothing short of AMAZING! Thank you Lord for all you do in all of our lives. I pray that today you help with your healing hand on my husband, Jodie, and my puppy, Dixie, on their painful knees – they need some relief. Jesus I look forward to jumping in tonight and being close to you before I close my eyes! IN YOUR NAME I PRAY AMEN
I also have the story book and was just thinking I need to pick that back up also and start reading again.
I love the part about digging in deeper and really just becoming a sponge and absorbing it all.
Thank you for taking this walk with me Christina!