Today Meditation was brought up – when I first hear that word I do think of the “UMMM” meditation in front of an alter with burning incense – how was this to work with the Word of God – glad she explained it!
I love the idea of time to take it in, think and meditate on The Word.. the memory verse time is a perfect start! I have gotten 1/2 way into memorizing the verse before but never completed it – I am committed to do that!
I have the memory verse pieces cut out of the book (I bought it 3 years ago), I have my index card written out and I am gong to make a couple notes to put in car and on bathroom mirror and one next to my bed. I am going to have Jodie (when he is home) and Tucker help me recite it… hehehe this could be fun or funny depending.
I have also found myself listening to Christian radio in the morning when I take Tucker to school and come home – I pick up the message and it has given me more time to ponder the subjects – it has been really nice.
Her is my card for my 90 day binder I will keep with me…
The boys are gonna have a fun time quizzing momma on her verse! I always connect meditation with things that do not strike me as being Christian-like as well. It was nice to see it from a different perspective. I went from a mindset of uncertainty about the meditation to the mindset of excitement. I am looking forward to the verse memorization – it has never been my strong suit.