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Alicia’s Days 68, 69 &70: Living in Peace and Reflecting on the Week

Living in Peace: This is a tough area for everyone I think – It is easy to live in peace if you live alone in the middle of nowhere and have a life that is “off the grid.” BUT, that is not reality for most of us. Most of us have children, spouses, neighbors, people you interact with at the store or at church, people you deal with on the phone, colleagues… and for some of us, exes and new spouses of exes. Having a life of peace should not depend on how other people behave because their actions are beyond out control, BUT think about how often interactions with those that are less-than-friendly can steal your peace! This is a very difficult area for me, especially this past week – Satan tried super hard to steal my peace and in many areas, he won – but I am working on changing that because I really do not want a repeat of this past week. It was really rough.

Help to to live in such a  way that one day my children will rise up and call me blessed. Lord, help me also to be the wife You desire me to be, so my husband will be able to see and be thankful for the things you have enabled me to do. Please forgive me for not reaching for you and your desires this week and for falling into the temptation of losing my temper when I was stressed out.

In Jesus’ Name,

Upon reflecting on this week, I see that I really dropped the ball and have quite a bit to work on. I am not saying this to be hard on myself, but to say it out loud to accept it and move forward. These are the things I need to place on my to-do list for this coming week:

  • List our family traditions and plan more “We Always” traditions
  • Have a family meeting to establish an “Honoring the Sabbath” Plan
  • Re-establish Morning and Evening Routines
  • Yoga with Christina 3 days a week and go for a walk (treadmill or neighborhood) 5 days a week
  • Cleansing drinks (try to stay away from evil soda)
  • No snack before bed
  • Work on my Tackle List
  • Work on setting up at least one additional stream of income
  • Get the kids in a routine for helping withe the household chores
  • Focus on being a better wife, mother, and family member by better managing my stress levels during stressful times (may involve “walking away” from stressful situations for 10-15 minutes)

The stress this week got to me and at one point, I lost my temper and I do not care to repeat that. Not handling my stress effectively causes a breakdown in ALL of the Fruits of the Spirit. I do not like feeling controlled by the situations I am in and next week, my plan is to do something about that! Thank you for Christina for helping me talk about this today and make a plan for managing my stress in the week to come. You are THE best accountability partner of all time and I am blessed and thankful to have you!