Dear Father,
Help me to always speak wisely, with instruction as my intent, especially when correcting the children. Help me to avoid idleness and always keep a watchful eye over my household and my family.
In Jesus’ Name,
As of this Saturday, I still have some things on my “To-Do/Needs Improvement” List. They are:
- Complete the Spiritual Housecleaning – I was waiting on my husband to be home and do this one with me
- Have TAG time in my TAG area each day – I have been doing this in the downstairs living room instead of my upstairs reading area because the living room has the fireplace 😉
- Evening Routine – STILL a big struggle area for me
- Say NO to the SNOOZE Button – ANOTHER big struggle area
- Prayer “Exercising” – I have been trying to add exercise into my routine again, but keep getting distracted. I have been shopping and price-comparing rebounders, though, so that is progress. 🙂
- Cleansing Drinks – I get busy and the next thing I know, I have drunk soda again all day. 🙁
- No snacking before bedtime
- Work on my TACKLE List – I have been distracted and have been forgetting to look at it during the week when I am busy with work and things with the kids. My goal is to do my online work during the day when the children are at school, so in the afternoons I am available to help them with their homework and work on cleaning and other tasks around the house – LIKE COOKING DINNER – so my husband does not have to do it when he gets home from work. Bad wife!
- Complete set-up of multiple streams of income – I know what I WANT to do for this, but need to make the time to DO THEM.
- Spend 15 minutes per day de-cluttering in the home – This is another item that could be resolved if I walk away from the computer in the afternoon and work on housework things instead.
WHEW! That list is pretty long this time! I have lots of work to do and could benefit from some prayer in these areas also.
After reflecting on the week this week, I feel like I was really distracted – to the point that I could not focus during TAG and feel like I could not hear what God was saying to me. Between preparing for my daughter’s upcoming surgery, and praying during my uncle’s open heart surgery (and his second surgery the same day due to complications), the usual family stuff, and an early school dismissal because of sleet – I was totally distracted! I just felt rushed, pulled in many different directions, and a bit worried as well. *Sigh* I don’t like to admit that I worried, but that is my secret sinful struggle for sure. God isn’t finished with me yet. 🙂 Next week will be better – I know it.