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Alicia’s Days 53 & 54: Real Estate Investing & Internet Marketing

I can ponder a field all day… But buying it is the tricky part! Lol. Real estate investing is something that I have thought about before, but right now in our lives, we don’t have the credit or the means to get involved in it. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t put it on our “someday list.”

Someday One day, it may become something my husband and I get involved in, especially since he and I have become expert drywallers and painters after many years of renovating the walls in our old house. It might be fun one day to buy a fixer-upper and remodel it for sale. I guess we’ll see if it is in God’s plan for us. 🙂

Another stream of income, which I have already taken part in involves Internet marketing. I’ve done the ebay thing before with crafted items – until laws were placed on the yarns and materials my mom and I used, making it too expensive to continue. Plus, I was diagnosed with RA shortly afterwards, so my fingers prevented me from crafting like I wanted to. But, that didn’t mean my Internet marketing days were over.

There are so many things that can be done online to help bring in some money each day. I learned firsthand about many of the ins and outs if this while working with Christina. In addition to learning new ways to earn, since I wasn’t able to teach or craft because of the RA, I grew in my understanding of how Internet marketing works, so I can help others out with it as well.

This week’s lessons were interesting and thought-provoking and did get me to evaluate what I’m doing for streams of income and think about what else I can do to increase them. All in all, a good week of study. 🙂