My children are a gift from the Lord… even when they’re grouchy… even when I’m grouchy… when they’re being divas… even when they’re arguing with me. But… They have individual needs and long for mommy-time regularly.
This lesson was a good reminder of how important it is to spend time individually with each child. I am really looking forward to that! Each child has his or her own interests and I’m looking forward to that time to do each special thing with each one.
I’ve been busy with work things lately and things around the house and I know I have not spent the time with them that I should be. I’m not going to beat myself up or call myself a bad mommy, but I am going to get back on track. Step 1: schedule the weekly meetings for each child. Then, Step 2: have the weekly meetings with each the child – Seems simple enough. 🙂