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Alicia’s Day 58: De-Clutter

Today’s lesson reminds me of a comedian I saw once on a Christian Comedy Show called Bananas. The comedian’s name was Bone Hampton (Bone Hampton’s YouTube Channel) and I could not track down the video where he sang his clutter song, but it was hilarious. LOL. He sang, to the tune of Sanford and Son:

“Cl- Cl- Clutter. Clutter Clutter Clutter. Cl – Cl- Clutter…”

But, now EVERY TIME I hear the word CLUTTER, that funny song runs through my head. 😉I have done a TON of de-cluttering since starting this Bible study – more than I have done in the past 7 years combined. I got on such a roll, that I jumped the gun and de-cluttered the items for today’s assignment without knowing that this was coming up!

So, I kind of have a head start on today’s homework – the magazines have been de-cluttered. I just kept a handful of them in case the kids are assigned a collage project for homework (but my husband made a good point – those magazines could possibly go too and we can just print out anything from the Internet that the kids would need for their projects). He is such a smart guy! So, the magazines will go as soon as I am done with this post – straight to the recycling bin.

I went through our old papers over Christmas break and anything that was older than 7 years was shredded. I know in the book it said 5 years, but I had always heard that for tax purposes, etc… that you need to have 7 years of records – so that is why I set that as our benchmark. This kids had a blast taking turns using the paper shredder. Although… it looked like it snowed inside of our house for a while until we finished. 😉

So, when I take care of those magazines in a few minutes – and maybe some recipes I tore out of magazine – how do I keep my house de-cluttered from the paper mess? The author suggested to spend 15 minutes a day de-cluttering – just 15 minutes. I can certainly find that. I will add it to my PM cleaning routine and make it a goal. I have come so far with organization and simplifying my life during this study – I can certainly commit to just 15 minutes a day to keep it that way. 🙂