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Alicia’s Day 48: Weekly Checkup

“She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.”
~ Proverbs 31:22-23

Here is my prayer, based on this week’s memory verse:

Thank you for giving me the skills to make some of the things we need for our home, so we do not always have to buy them from others. Although I do not wear fine linens often, I thank you for the clothing I do have because they are comfortable and well-made, and in many instances, PURPLE (my favorite color). Help me to ALWAYS act in ways that shine positively on You (and Kevin also), so that You are respected, love, honored, and cherished because of my actions.

In Jesus Name,

I thought I completed all of my homework this week, but I forgot about purses/totebags stored in the garage – so I will be going through those today and weeding out. I also have some gold jewelry in the safe out there – much of which was given to me by my ex-husband – that needs to go as well. So, just a couple mini-tasks to be in line with the homework this week.

I need prayer for the following areas as I am still struggling with them on a regular basis – I am working on them, but they are difficult for me:

  • Going to bed on time – I have had sleep issues all my adult life – many nights this week I could not get my brain to settle down so I could sleep.
  • Waking up on time without the snooze button – If I can’t GO to bed on time, I can’t wake on time – this was a problem on Friday when I overslept and the kids were all late for school 🙁 .
  • Eating habits and cleansing drinks – Sweets and soda tempt me when I am exhausted from not sleeping well and I do fall into those temptations far too often
  • Exercise 3-5 days per week – I am still dealing with chronic pain, but that is not the issue preventing my exercise. It is the exhaustion from not sleeping that is keeping me down this week.
  • No snacking after dinner – For this one, I think my routine is just off.
  • Cleansing baths – I am struggling to find time to fit these in each week. Showers are so much easier for me, plus I was not able to get baths in the tub for 7 years because I could not safely get in and out of the tub. I think if I can just find a good time to do the baths, then it will become a routine after a few weeks. I am praying about finding a good time – a time in which the children will not interrupt me. 🙂