Cumulative Verse Review:
The underlined parts were the “fill in the blank” sections from the book. Anything in BOLD ITALIC CAPS I got wrong this time…
A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks thing of value.
She brings him good, not harm.
all the days of her life.
She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.
She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her FOOD from afar.
She gets up while it is still dark;
and provides ends for her family
and portions for her servant girls.
She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she PLANTS a vineyard.
She sets about her workVIGOROUSLY
her arms are strong for her tasks.
and her light DOES NOT GO OUT AT night.
In her hand she holds her distaff.
and grasps the spindles with her fingers.
She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.
for all OF THEM ARE clothed in scarlet.
~ Proverbs 31:10-21
My Weekly Evaluation:
- There have been some distractions that Satan used to prevent me from hearing God’s voice, but I still tried to listen as best I could. I feel like God is reminding me that He was in control – this week and always – and I have no need to worry.
- The Fruits of the Spirit that I need some prayer about are:
{JOY} Staying joyful even during stressful times, even if it means I don’t get everything clean before company arrives at my home ;).
{PATIENCE} Staying patient when stressed, especially with the children.
{GENTLENESS} LESS Jersey Girl and MORE Jesus’ Girl!
{SELF-CONTROL} Well, self-control kind of applies to all the other areas I am struggling with as well. - During TAG, I learned this week that even though Kevin controls the family money, its important for me to know where we stand financially so I can help us stay on budget and we can plan our financial goals together.
- Priorities and Goals I pursued this week were TAG time, sticking to the meal plan, focusing on God’s will during the difficult times, working on organization and the Tackle List, and getting caught up on online tasks and projects that were part of the goals for the ministry project that Christina and I are working on.
- Priorities and Goals I neglected this past week involved:
{CLEANSING} Regular cleansing bath, lemon water, and drinking significant amounts of water each day.
{HEALTHY EATING} My oldest daughter’s birthday was this week, so cake, ice cream, and cookies got the best of me. 🙁
I got behind on {DAILY BLOG POSTS} (although I did get them caught up).
{EXERCISE} Especially praying during exercise is not back into my routine yet.
{BEDTIME ROUTINES} Going to bed earlier, getting up on time & avoiding naps were struggles this week. I was even up one night ALL NIGHT partly because of a family issue & partly because my sleep routine is off. - The new thing I learned this week is how important my support system – of family and friends – truly is to my sanity during the most difficult times. My support system includes my husband, my accountability partner Christina, my mom, my mother-in-law, my ex-mother-in-law (yep – I said EX ;)), and my aunt. Talking to them and getting encouragement from them this week helped me through a very difficult time with my young, teen daughter.
- My Goals for the Week to come and beyond… (Christina and I are taking a couple weeks off from this study over Christmas and we will be picking it back up in the new year :). This is a great time for use to review the cumulative memory verse, practice good habits, and work neglected habits back into our days.
AM & PM Lemon Water
1st and 2nd sets of Cleansing Water (32 oz. each)
Cleansing Bath (take on Monday mornings – oddly, since I take “off” from online work on Mondays, this is a good time for some “ME” time.)
Blog Post Daily – 7 days a week (even if done using the mobile app)
Pray during exercise time (Monday – Friday)
In bed at 9PM Monday – Friday and 10PM on weekends
When I am craving cookies/sweets, grab fruit instead
When I want ice cream, only get 1 scoop -not 3!!!! – and eat it slowly to enjoy it
Cumulative Memory Verse Review (7 days a week)
WOW! That does seem like a hefty amount to get back on track with – especially over Christmas and New Year’s. It might be difficult, but nothing is impossible with God. 🙂
I am thankful for prayers as I have seen close up just how very important they are. I know I can get back on track through the power of prayer and not of my own doing. If you need prayer in an area of your life, please visit our Prayer Request Page and leave your request. We would be honored to lift your requests up in prayer each day.