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Alicia’s Day 41 – Need a checkup?

Dear Lord I Pray…

Dear Lord,I pray that Kevin and I will strive towards financial stability so when the need arises, we can open our arms to the poor and extend our hands to the needy. When hard times come, help us to be financially prepared so we will have no fear because we are protected by You.

In Jesus’ Name,


I think I progressed well with the financial lessons presented this week. So far, I have:

Calculated my tithe and set an auto donation at HIS Radio

Started the Assets & Liabilities Worksheet

Set up a time to talk to Kevin about putting our debt-reduction strategy on paper

Made a commitment to continue living the cash lifestyle

Set up time to talk with Kevin about automatic investing and continuing our automatic savings

I am doing well with most of the positive daily routine changes, but there are a few that I am still struggling with and need some prayers. They are:

Prayer Walking/Exercising 3-5 times per week

Daily cleansing drinks and water intake

Refraining from bedtime snacks and the temptation to nap during the day by going to bed earlier in the evening

Taking cleansing baths routinely/weekly