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Alicia’s Day 35: Weekly Reflection

This past week I did pretty well with the memory verse , well the cumulative one at least.  I got a little confused on the part that says “and her lamp does not go out at night.”  For some reason in my mind, I remembered it as and burning brightly all the night long.  I’m wondering if I got it confused with a different version of the Bible?

Here’s my Weekly Evaluation:

  1. I am trying to listen.  It’s been a busy week, but I feel God is saying, “You don’t have to be perfect to be a Proverbs 31 woman.  Just as you don’t have to be perfect to be a child of mine.  Just try your hardest thing keep your eyes on me and it will be OK.”
  2. I feel encouraged this past week with the fruits of love, peace, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness.  A need prayer for the fruits of joy, patience, kindness and self-control. I have been less a joyful and kind this week because I felt cranky.  I’ve also felt overwhelmed a few days this week and was impatient with my family.  I had a number of cranky stressed-out moments, but I didn’t lose control. I had the moments but was able to refocus and give back to where I needed to be.
  3. And learn during TAG this week the importance of my TAG area.  It was inaccessible this week due to the reorganization of all the stuff we were getting out of the house.  I think it contributed to throwing me off track.
  4. Priorities and goals that I focused on this week included: daily tag time, morning and evening routines, using the daily page and tackle list, drinking my lemon water, avoiding online work after dinner, taking a cleansing bath and focusing on getting back into my routine.
  5. Priorities and goals that I neglected this week included: drinking water/enhanced water and daily exercise.
  6. I learned a couple new things this week.  First, my kids love being able to give some other things away, especially my son.  He was overjoyed to be able to clean his room out and get rid of things! The other thing I learned this week was how freeing it felt to gather the items and taking them to the flea market.  I felt like I was being rescued from drowning.

Even with all the struggles in the past week, I feel that I made some progress toward my goals and priorities.  Thank you, Father!