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Alicia’s Day 33 – Don’t stress about it… TACKLE IT!

The Tackle List – So far, this sounds like a good strategy for me to get all the things I need to-do out of my brain so I can stop thinking about them and move onto the other things I need to do – like SLEEP!

I added the tackle list to Evernote and started walking around my house and the list kept growing and growing and growing. I didn’t count how many items were on the list, but I am guessing it was around 30 or so. Yes, the list looked overwhelming, but I was motivated to get started on it. I even completed 4 of the items before noon. 🙂 Woohoo!

In addition to feeling like I can relax, I see how using this strategy can let me focus more on God each day. If I don’t have all theses things running through my brain keeping me up at night and spinning in circles during the day, then I can refocus my mind where it needs to be – on God. Who would have thought such a little list could make such a big difference.

I love the idea of having a go-to list to refer to when I have a few minutes here and there. The big time for me each day is the time between finishing an online project and picking my children up from school. Often, there is not enough time to start another online work project, but there is time to get rid of one or two of the smaller tasks on the tackle list. How cool is that going to be?!

I told my husband the other day that this 90 day study is amazing. I am only on day 33 and already my life has changed in so many ways that I barely recognize it from the way it was before. If you are interested in this study, please contact me or Christina using the form below and we would be happy to help you get started.