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Alicia’s Day 28 – Weekly Reflection

What a week! Lots of changes in diet, drinks, and detoxifying my body. Our bodies are temples – belonging to God, so we need to care for them completely. This week’s lessons were amazing – and challenging – but are so very important for me. I was not able to meet all of the challenges, but I did implement many of them. So for that, I am thankful. 🙂

Here are my weekly evaluation comments, followed by the areas I am struggling with at the current time, and my plan to address them:

  1. I am listening to God’s voice – though not as well as when I was doing evening Bible study every day in addition to the morning TAG. I believe that God is directing me to help those around me as He leads me to do – in both words and action.
  2. I need to work on the Fruits of the Spirit of Faithfulness and Joy. I really need to get back on track with evening Bible Study so I can grow in my faith and keep myself grounded and faithful to God. Joy – the main area of struggle I am having with this is when I am running behind in my evening routine and the kids have gone to bed and have not completed their chores – so I find myself complaining and getting angry, which is stealing my joy.
  3. God taught me this week of just how very important it is to have TAG BEFORE my family wakes for the day and before the day gets away from me. On the days when I can’t get it done before they awake, I can easily not get it done until evening and my day is not started out on the right path.
  4. I feel I did well this week with completing my morning routine, even when it had a later start than I was planning. I also completed the body cleansing suggestions, went for walks about 4 days during the week, completed a bi-weekly meal plan (along with cooking 12 meals in one day), and when I feel God’s gentle nudge, I feel I am showing obedience.
  5. Priorities and Goals I Neglected: {1} Daily Bible Study (outside of the ‘Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be’ Study); {2} Evening routine and getting in bed on time.
  6. A new thing I learned this week was to not be afraid when I feel the Lord is directing me to do something – I need to be brave and ‘step out of the boat’ so to speak. Instead of letting fear suppress my action, I need to pray about it, then DO what I need to do! This strategy worked well regarding going for walks outside of my garage’s treadmill, as well as helped me to make a commitment to prepare 2 weeks of meals in advance (which has reduced my stress about dinner drastically). {{Thank you again, Christina, for being my accountability partner and for gently reminding me to step out of my fear for that is satan trying to scare me into disobedience. God has truly blessed me with you in my life in so many ways!}}

So, my goals for this week are being tracked in Astrid (online to-do list), but I will list them here as well:

  • Daily TAG before the family wakes up
  • Daily Bible study before bed
  • Daily Evening Routine and turning the light out on time
  • NO SNOOZE BUTTON – I am so obsessed with this especially now that the mornings are cold and dark.
  • Focus on completing routines and TAG EVEN ON THE WEEKENDS
  • Prayer Walking – not just “plain ‘ole” walking – even if I pray while I am on the treadmill

Here is my schedule for including these things better this week:

  • Morning TAG – 5:30am on School Days (Monday & Tuesday only with the Thanksgiving Holiday this week) and 7:00am on Non-School Days (Wednesday through Saturday)
  • Prayer Walk – Aiming for 12:00 Noon Monday through Friday
  • Evening Routine – Starts After Dinner, with Bedtime at 9pm on School Nights and 10pm on other nights
  • Evening Bible Study Time – 8:30pm on School Nights and 9:30pm on other nights

This study is a blessing to me. It is teaching me to make goals, work at them, evaluate my successes/weaknesses, and make a plan of action to try it again. I LOVE this! Yes, I have struggles and failures (especially with that Snooze Button) – but now I also have a plan and  schedule to help me past these hurdles.

If you are struggling with something, we would be happy and honored to pray for you. You can submit a prayer request on our Prayer Request Page. If you would like to talk with one of us or you have a question, please contact us using the form below, and we will answer you as soon as possible. I am praying you are blessed today and always.