Here is my prayer, based on Proverbs 31:12-13, this week’s memory verse:
Dear Lord I Pray…Lord,
Help me to bring only good to You, my husband, and my family – not harm – as long as I shall live. Help me to be selective with the things I choose to bring into my mind and home, as well as with the activities in which I participate. Help me to work eagerly – at housework, laundry, cooking, exercise, and online work. In all things. may I do my best work, as if I were doing each of the tasks for YOU!
In Jesus’ Name,
Items related to this study that I am keeping up with each week:
- Using my personal NB
- Daily TAG
- Dealing proactively with secret sins
- Spending time daily on this study and memorizing verses
- Practicing the presence of God – being watchful, thankful and prayerful
Things related to this study that I am working on, but do not feel I have fully attained:
- Becoming a more serious Bible student
- TAG first thing in the morning – Although I am having and enjoying my TAG time (and writing these blog posts), it is not always first thing in the morning. Today, for example, I did not read my study until 4:00 pm 🙁
- I have recorded my daily affirmations as Evernote audio notes, but I want to take time every day to listen to and repeat the affirmations
Things related to this study that I really need to focus on:
- Reviewing my Personal Vision Statement Regularly – I have not done this since last week… I think…
- Practicing my evening routine and getting in bed on time – I tried the first night and could not because of my oldest daughter’s “Oh I forgot that I have an essay due tomorrow morning… Oh yeah, make that TWO essays!” Last night, I got caught up in an online project for a client and lost track of time. I did not get to bed until after 11pm.
- Practicing my morning routine – I did great yesterday morning since I had to be up at 4am for my daughter’s drop-off for her field trip. Today… I slept until noon. 🙁
To help with my Personal Vision Statement Review… here is my vision statement again. 🙂
It is so great to see be so honest not just with your self but publicly… what a way to be put out there for accountability. You are doing so great in your studies – each day gives you another inch closer, with each inch then comes feet, with feet then comes miles – soon you will be farther in the direction you are focusing on you will might not be able to see where you started any longer..
This study is great because it allow us to focus on US – not anyone else, no judging and just looking at you individually and your relationship with the Lord.
Sis’ta you are an inspiration to me and keep me going everyday – thank you for your friendship! {{HUGS}}
This blog and having you as my accountability partner are what helps to make the difference in this study. It probably is possible to complete this study without the accountability, but it would be EXTREMELY difficult. I love the transparency that this blog helps offer to us as well.
You inspire and encourage me each day, too, Christina! Your friendship and daily texts, skype messages, and blog replies mean THE WORLD to me! (((hugs)))